I would like to warmly invite you
to EWDC-2013 in Coimbra. After the first series, started
in 1989 and held on a yearly basis until 2000, EWDC was
recently revived with the 2009 edition in Toulouse. EWDC
runs alternatively with EDCC (European Dependable
Computing Conference). As the next EDCC edition is in
2014, the workshop is planned in 2013 and will be hosted
at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
The University of Coimbra is one of the oldest
universities in Europe (established in 1289), and
Coimbra is a small city built around the University,
again along the European tradition of University towns.
We hope to be able to receive you here next May!
Venue Theme: Dependable and Secure
Software and Services
EWDC 2013 will focus on dependability and security of
software and services. This is a challenging theme,
especially when considering that information systems
are more and more based on complex, heterogeneous,
dynamic software and services, which are characterized
by demanding quality attributes.